Mobile App Developers

$160/hr to $200/hr



0 Reviews


Sydney NSW, Australia

Agency Size

1 - 10 employees



About us

We're Chook, a team of award-winning designers and developers that work with companies to tell stories, grow audiences, and distribute content across online, mobile, and social media. We've developed platforms, websites, apps, and campaigns to assist our customers in engaging people and providing great brand experiences across different devices. We are an independent digital creative firm that works with well-known businesses of all sizes. We've been hand-crafting digital products and campaigns for customers in television, film, music, publishing, telecommunications, charity, and education since 1997. We value the close relationships we've developed with each of our clients (some of whom have been with us since the company's inception) and have assembled a team of enthusiastic, multi-skilled, and brilliant individuals with whom they can cooperate. We like what we do.

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Agency locations

0433 339 448

58 James Street

Perth WA 6003